~~~ Marcia Wickes Jacob: In Memoriam ~~~
February 16, 1928 – February 7, 2023

For close to forty years, Marcia was our corresponding secretary. In addition to answering all the queries coming into the club, this also meant putting hundreds of Bulletins into envelopes, adding labels, sorting them by zip codes and lugging them to the PO. Not only did she do this, she’d wait out back where bulk mailings were kept, to make sure that ours were not forgotten. Those Bulletins have been printed for the last quarter century by Greg Doyle of South Shore Printing. Why South Shore? Greg writes, “About twenty five years ago a woman came into my print shop in Quincy. She needed a few copies printed of mushroom photos from a recent foray. She made an instant friend of me, in that special way she had. The next day she brought in a huge ‘Hen of the Woods’ and gave me her recipe for enjoying it. From that day forward we grew closer. We miss Marcia’s gentle friendship and holiday fruit cakes. May she rest in Peace as she lived… in Peace and Harmony with Nature.”
“I’m so sad, hearing the news about Marcia. I have lots of wonderful memories of her, and how gracious, gentle, kind, and unassuming she always was. Our running private joke was always that I’d say, “Hello, Marcia,” and she’d reply, “Hello, Marsha,” and we’d cackle like kids. I remember how she’d walk across Cambridge to our meetings, and then go home the same way — it took some convincing to get her into the car when the weather was less than optimal. Nothing fazed her, and she retained dignity in everything she undertook.
“We had wonderful excursions into the woods, sharing the passion for mushroom study. I find myself also thinking how Marcia Jacob was a quiet, consistent leader in the club. She always participated in the activities, helped new members learn the ropes, and encouraged them to find their way. I recall how she always carried her various egg cartons, small cardboard berry boxes and such out on the season’s walks so that she could properly collect and preserve specimens — even though most of us would just haphazardly pitch things into our baskets in our zeal to gather. She was so careful and thoughtful about what she was doing, traits that we all saw and learned to admire in her. She and her daughters made the BMC Cape weekends possible for us, and Marcia welcomed everyone to join in the fun. My heartfelt condolences to her lovely and accomplished daughters, Wendy and Judy. I’m going to miss Marcia. She’s left awfully big shoes behind for us to fill.” Marsha L. Browne
“ I have so many great memories of going out into the field with Marcia; those were great times. The Club really brings people together in such a special way and Marcia was truly a special person. It’s sad to know that she won’t be out there in the world, but I’m so glad to have known her for a time.” Jason Karakehian
“What I remember best about Marcia is that she always had a kind of mischievous smile. No matter what the situation, she was always happy just to be there. When I first joined the BMC, she would always take the time to explain all the stuff that a new person is always a little embarrassed to ask. She also would pull me aside to tell me “secret stuff”. I remember once right after the walk leader said, “Never eat a wild mushroom without thoroughly cooking it”, Marcia handed me a freshly picked (raw!) Beefsteak mushroom and said, “Take a bite, it’s good” It was!“Marcia was our most treasured member; all the warm words about her are true. She was special…” Tatyana Levchenko
“Marcia was wonderful and very inviting and always encouraging! A very peaceful presence which I will always remember about her.” Cynthia Akabane
“Marcia had the brightest smiling eyes and presence. I never heard her complain. She will be missed.” Ruthie Ristich